Healthy Eating Challenge

     Hi there! We challenge you to eat healthy. If you complete these twenty-five challenges (one daily), you earn a badge, and we will reward you with a delicious dessert recipe. Comment on this page when you have completed all 25 challenges.

Challenge #1:
 [ ] Go a whole week without eating  processed food.

Challenge #2:
[ ] Eat at least 10 veggies today.

Challenge #3:
[ ] For a whole day, eat only food recipes you have found on this blog.

Challenge #4:
[ ] Only drink milk or water for two days.

Challenge #5:
[ ] For an entire day, pick your snacks, meals, and beverages only from the Healthy Eating Challenge Menu.

Challenge #6:
[ ] Eat a salad for lunch today

Challenge #7:
[ ] Have a smoothie for breakfast

Challenge #8:
[ ] Do not eat at any fast-food restaurants today.

Challenge #9:
[ ] Post a tweet about our blog with a picture of you eating healthy.

Challenge #10:
[ ] Try a new food.

Challenge #11:
[ ] Re-try a healthy food.

Challenge #12:
[ ] Make something with veggies.

Challenge #13:
[ ] Create your own healthy recipe.

Challenge #14:
[ ] Make something with fruit.

Challenge #15:
[ ] Eat and drink 2,000 calories today.

Challenge #16:
[ ] Donate a healthy meal to a soup kitchen (NOT FROM A BOX OR CAN).

Challenge #17:
[ ] Make a healthy dessert.

Challenge #18:
[ ] Get healthy recipes from friends and relatives.

Challenge #19:
[ ] Try a recipe from katiejeancooks.

Challenge #20:
[ ] Follow us on twitter.

Challenge #21:
[ ] Share a recipe from The KJ Cafe or katiejeancooks with a friend.

Challenge #22:
[ ] Eat whole wheat bread for a whole week.

Challenge #23:
[ ] Send someone an email about The KJ Cafe.

Challenge #24:
[ ] Email us your favorite recipe at and we will health-ify it.

Challenge #25:
[ ] Go a whole week without eating cereal.

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